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Server Bridging
Setting up Dummy and LogCollector for a TETRAPack connection
Disclaimer Please note you follow this guide at your own risk! This is an experimental bridge, and we can't be held responsible if anything bad happens to your precious CTS! This guide is for a Single-BS (one CTS) subnet. If you wish to interconnect...
Introduction No LST! (No Red Lights on TSC, and No Annoying Notification on the Front of your Radios) Network Wide Group Calling - TGS Configured in our Core are Routed between ALL Linked BTS Sites Local Site Private Calling - Having a Linked site allows...
Intro Gateway software to run on on-site E1 connection (see article E1/T1 Interface) Transmits application-level messages between CTS E1 and TetraPack Core Decodes/encodes full signalling stack: E1 handler \ HDLC FSM - (normally done by IC on BSC411...
E1/T1 Interface
Why not TDMoIP / CESoIP? Usual E1/T1 over IP protocols use generic frames over IP transfer that makes more than 2 megabits constant rate with up to 8000 packets per second. That approach: not suitable for distributed sites with limited internet access mak...
Generic settings foe TetraPack
Specific setting for bridged individual calls It's recommended to use these settings on the TETRA radio to have better user experience on TETRA side PTT Call Back Timer - Disabled(respond for initial delay on call DMR->TETRA) Hook Method for Outgoing Si...
CTS Log Collector
CTS Log Collector is an additional software for Dummy. It connects to CTS basestation via TCP to logging ports and forward log entries to locally installed dummy. The need CTS Log Collector does following important things: gets GSSI attachments (Scan List...
Asterisk PBX
Disclaimer TransitBridge is only available on the same host as TetraPack Core, so the target of this document is a server administrator. Other Asterisk systems can be connected to transit Asterisk system via IAX2, SIP, etc. TransitBridge (as well as ...
Motorola's MTS Series of Tetra Base Stations are currently supported in TetraPack. Installation curl | sudo bash
CTS Updater
CTS Updater ( is a small script to upload and update CTS configuration or database remotely and without restart. Better to run it on the same Linux system where dummy runs. Utility creates index data, starts specific embedded ftp server, connect...
SVXLink sources - Custom version that passes ISSIs through SVXReflector, it also has our patches applied to SVXReflector and ReflectorLogic. - Original version Note...
You can always support us by donating to BrandMeister Core Team -
FrameRelay over E1
FrameRelay-over-E1 Daemon (FRED) Intro Gateway software to run on on-site E1 connection (see article E1/T1 Interface) Bridges IPv4/IPv6/Ethernet packets between Linux kernel and FrameRelay over E1 (RFC 2427, RFC 2590) Suitable to connect Motorola EBTS (c...
Motorola CTS-x00 is a series of basestations for CompactTETRA product line of Motorola. Literally its OEM-product of DAMM with software from Frequentis. Following articles is about how to connect it to TetraPack: Setting up Dummy and LogCollector Dummy E...
TETRA It works on EBTS as well as on CTS. Group calls, individual calls (duplex and simplex), scan-lists work well. Phone calls require to switch radio to full-duplex mode first (how they are going to make phone calls in half-duplex? ;)). PD and SDS don’t...
Compatibility Chart
Disclaimer: this chart is only about type of services passed between particular systems and TetraPack Core.For example, location services could work locally inside a system but not handled by TetraPack. Group calls Simplex individual calls Du...
Intro Rohill TetraNode is pure IP-based solution, for better TetraPack service implementation we decided to use proprietary InterTNX protocol instead of available TetraNode Interconnect Gateway protocol (TIGv2). By this approach we created a special agent sof...
HamRadio 2024
Brew TETRA Homebrew Protocol Protocol is based on WebSocket version 13 (RFC 6455) without extensions. It's highly recommended to use socket options TCP_NODELAY and TCP_QUICKACK. Endpoint, authentication To establish a new connection client should make a HT...