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How to setSetting up aDummy Raspberryand PiLogCollector with connection withfor a CTSTETRAPack connection

Hardware requirements

  • Raspberry Pi (4 is ideal, 2GB is ok), with PSU and SD card
  • icE1USB
  • A USB-Ethernet Adapter
  • A CTS (DUH)

Prep work

  • Open up the icE1USB (from the back, with the SMA connector), and swap the jumpers so they match this picture:image.png

SoftwareCTS setupSetup

  1. Get a clear understanding of how the CTS is configured, and its necessary configuration files: bssparams.txt, set_x_gp, gm, sc, sub.csv, etc. Please make sure everything works as a standalone site before starting this entire endeavour!
  2. You also need good way to remotely connect to the CTS management interface (VNC is a good option).
  3. Plan ahead and make a list of the BrandMeister TGs you want your CTS to handle. Add them already to set_x_gp and gm.csv, reboot everything and make sure they already work locally in standalone mode.
  4. Open up bssparams.txt on your CTS, and do the following edits. Don't change anything else at this state:
    ## Base-Station Parameters ################################################################
    #### Set the name to something simple, short, no special caracters
    /base-station/name = "CTSNAME";
    #### set this to id 1
    /base-station/base-station-id = 1;
    #### add or replace:
    /base-station/standalone-mode = false;
    #### add or replace:
    /base-station/use-local-site-fall-back = false;
    ## SDS Gateway Parameters #################################################################
    #### Remove all other lines, replace by:
    /system/sds-gateway/host-1 = { issi = 262999; ip-address = "";};
    /system/sds-gateway/host-2 = { issi = 250999; ip-address = "";};
    /system/sds-gateway/host-3 = { issi = 16777184; ip-address = "";};
    ## E1 Layout Parameters ###################################################################
    ### Remove all other E1 layout lines, and replace byt this:
    /network/E1-layout/time-slot-01 = { source-type = "SIGNALLING"; };
    /network/E1-layout/time-slot-02 = { source-type = "SIGNALLING"; };
    /network/E1-layout/time-slot-03 = { source-type = "SIGNALLING"; };
    /network/E1-layout/time-slot-04 = { source-type = "SIGNALLING"; };
    /network/E1-layout/time-slot-17 = { source-type = "BS"; base-station-id = 1; l-transceiver-id = 11; };
    #Dummy transceivers
    /network/E1-layout/time-slot-22 = { source-type = "BS"; base-station-id = 7; l-transceiver-id = 11; u-transceiver-id = 12;};
    /network/E1-layout/time-slot-23 = { source-type = "BS"; base-station-id = 7; l-transceiver-id = 13; u-transceiver-id = 14;};
    /network/E1-layout/time-slot-24 = { source-type = "BS"; base-station-id = 7; l-transceiver-id = 15; u-transceiver-id = 16;};
    /network/E1-layout/time-slot-25 = { source-type = "DISP"; };
    /network/E1-layout/time-slot-26 = { source-type = "ISDN"; };
    /network/E1-layout/time-slot-27 = { source-type = "ISDN"; };
    /network/E1-layout/time-slot-28 = { source-type = "ISDN"; };
    /network/E1-layout/time-slot-29 = { source-type = "ISDN"; };
    ## Network Topology Parameters ############################################################
    #### Remove all other network topology parameters, and replace by this. Don't forget to change CTSNAME to the same name as in line 3!
    /network/topology/gateway-pc     = { name = "Gateway Server"; E1-connection-1 = "BS-7"; };
    /network/topology/base-station-1 = { name = "CTSNAME"; E1-connection-1 = "BS-7"; };
    /network/topology/base-station-7 = { name = "DUMMY"; E1-connection-1 = "BS-1"; E1-connection-2 = "GW-PC"; };
  5. Save and reboot the CTS, make sure it still works.
  6. Copy bssparams.txt over to your local PC, you'll need it for your Raspberry Pi.
  7. Write down the IP address of your CTS BRC computer (mine was, but yours will probably be different). 

Raspberry Pi Setup

  1. Prepare an SD card with a 64-bit Raspbian Bullseye (Debian 11)
  2. Update/Upgrade the OS after boot:
    sudo apt get update && sudo apt upgrade

  3. Add the Osmocom repo, as per Osmocom's documentation:
    sudo su
    wget $OSMOCOM_REPO/Release.key
    mv Release.key /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/osmocom-latest.asc
    echo "deb [signed-by=/etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/osmocom-latest.asc] $OSMOCOM_REPO/ ./" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/osmocom-latest.list
    apt get update
  4. Install Osmocom E1D:
    sudo apt install osmo-e1d
  5. Add the TetraPack repository:
    mv public.key tetrapack.asc
    sudo apt-key add tetrapack.asc
    sudo echo "deb [arch=arm64] bullseye main" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/tetrapack.list
    sudo apt update
  6. Install TetraPack dummy and cts-logcollector
    sudo apt install tetrapack-dummy cts-logcollector
  7. Before going any further, read this!
  8. Plug in the icE1USB,icE1USB to your Rpi, recover the interface serial number:
    sudo lsusb -d 1d50:6145 -v 2> /dev/null | grep iSerial
  9. Open (with for instance nano) /etc/osmocom/osmo-e1d.cfg, copy/paste this:
    log syslog daemon
    	interface 0 icE1usb
    	usb-serial [interface serial number]
    	line 0
  10. Reload the service:
    sudo systemctl restart osmo-e1d