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Asterisk PBX


  • TransitBridge is only available on the same host as TetraPack Core, so the target of this document is a server administrator. Other Asterisk systems can be connected to transit Asterisk system via IAX2, SIP, etc.
  • TransitBridge (as well as DetroitBridge) is plug-and-play, no extra configuration required.
  • TransitBridge channel driver uses only default dialplan context. Please useĀ GotoIf or Lua.
  • Some TETRA Systems (at least CTS) don't support external numbers (PSTN on PABX) for messaging.


  • - TETRA codec definitions and translations, uses
  • - TransitBridge channel driver

Environment variables



systemname = <numeric ID of local system>


Outbound calls

Dial(Transit/<Core ID>/<ISSI>[/<options>])

Where options are:

  • s - Use simplex call with PTT control (RADIO_KEY/RADIO_UNKEY, see app_rpt)
  • t - Use PSTN call (source ISSI 16777184, CALERID(num) is passed as an external number)
  • b - Use PBX call (source ISSI 16777186, CALERID(num) is passed as an external number)
  • n<ID> - Use specified ISSI and pass CALLERID(num) as an external number
  • c<0-3> - Use service number 0-3 (at this moment only 0 / ACELP is supported)
  • p<0-15> - Set call priority

By-default duplex individual call with ACELP (0) and normal priority (0) will be created.



Inbound calls

Channel variables:

  • TRANSIT_TYPE=ISSI - Extension ID contains destination ISSI
  • TRANSIT_TYPE=Number - Extension ID contains destination external number
  • TRANSIT_FLOW=PTT - Simplex call
  • TRANSIT_ISSI=<ISSI> - Destination ISSI
    (only when TRANSIT_TYPE=Number, should contain 16777184 for PTSN call or 16777186 for PBX call)
  • TRANSIT_PRIORITY=<0-15> - Call priority

Outbound messages

MessageSend(Transit:<Link ID>[/<Destination ISSI>][,<Source ISSI>[ <External Number>]])

Please keep your eyes on formatting. There no spaces in <to> section, no space after comma in <from> section and only single space between source ISSI and external number.

Channel variables:

  • MESSAGE(to)=<ISSI>
  • MESSAGE(from)=<ISSI>
  • MESSAGE(body)=<Text>
  • MESSAGE_SEND_STATUS - Will be set to SUCCESS, when the message accepted by the basestation (TNSDS-REPORT result=0), timeout is 500 milliseconds.

Inbound messages

Channel variables:

  • MESSAGE(to)=<ISSI/External Number>
  • MESSAGE(from)=<ISSI>
  • MESSAGE(body)=<Text>
  • MESSAGE_DATA(TRANSIT_TYPE)=ISSI - Extension ID and MESSAGE(to) contain destination ISSI
  • MESSAGE_DATA(TRANSIT_TYPE)=Number - Extension ID and MESSAGE(to) contain destination external number
    (only when MESSAGE_DATA(TRANSIT_TYPE)=Number, should contain 16777184 for PTSN call or 16777186 for PBX)

Technical Information

Channel ID format